Nagi no Asu Kara Wiki

This is the Nagi no Asu Kara Wiki policy for a user's Talk Page. Please follow all these rules.

Talk Pages[]

User talk pages belong to the community, they are not the property of the user. The talk page is a place for other users to give the user messages, and ask questions and communicate when they have done something in conflict with what they have been doing and try to settle a small issue. For this reason, a number of restrictions are placed on what you can do to your own talk page:

  • A post can be added by anyone who has a question or comment about the user. Please, respect the user though.
  • When you want to start a question or discussion, start up a new topic. If you want to resume a current (or previous) question or discussion, just post a reply under the previous message.
  • Do not remove a message from your Talk Page, as the history of the Talk Page shows exactly what the user has done. This history is important when assessing the user's contributions.
    • Only offensive and intimidating messages may be removed from a talk page. Messages can be removed from the talk page if they are vulgar comments used for harassment of the user.
    • If your talk page is getting large or you want to clean up old messages, you are free to archive the old ones.
  • Do not put up notices or tell other users not to write on your talk page, or do other actions that hinder their abilities to send messages to you.
  • Talk pages are not user pages. Content that is added by users that is akin to content that belongs on a user page may be removed.