Nagi no Asu Kara Wiki

Chat Policy[]


The followings actions are prohibited on the Nagi no Asu Kara Wiki's Chat:

  • Sexually Explicit Linking: This is defined as linking to any photo, video or literary work which depicts (but is not limited to) any of the following: exposed private parts, nipples, sexual activity. Violation of this will get you immediately banned from chat and blocked from the wiki in its entirety.
  • Offensive Behavior: This includes racism, antisemitism, sexism, xenophobia, homophobia, intolerance regarding views on religion, etc. You might get a warning first depending on the severity of the offense or you might get immediately banned.
  • Spamming: This means writing a lot of nonsense like random letters/numbers, repeated sentences or long strings of letters/numbers. This also includes repeatedly logging in and out in the same time period. A warning will be given first; if the attitude continues, a kick or a ban from the chat will follow.
  • Language: The Nagi no Asu Kara Wiki is an English language Wiki so using another languages apart from English is forbidden. However, you are free to speak other languages with another user through the use of the PM option available to all users. Warnings will be issued; if a considerable amount of warnings have been issued, a kick from chat will be issued. If this activity continues after the issued kick, a ban will be set in place.
    • Abusing a user in a foreign language is completely forbidden and will result in a ban from the chat.
  • Trolling/Harassment/Intimidating behavior:
  • attacking other users with profanity-laced insults
  • threats of violence
  • attempting to get other users emotionally-riled
  • Chat invasion: The chat is for the Nagi no Asu Kara Wiki. Subjects about other wikis shouldn't be discussed here. Depending on the severity, a warning or kick might be given or an immediate ban might be issued. Any attempted invasions by other wikis of the Nagi no Asu Kara Wiki chat will result in the perpetrators being kicked and a complaint lodged with the administration of the wiki in question.


If you've suffered from an infraction mentioned above, take a screenshot of the conversation and relate it to a chat mod if one wasn't online at that time.

Depending on the severity, a warning may be issued or an immediate ban may be placed.


The Wiki is a place for us to have fun and the chat is one of the most-used features.

  • While cursing in and of itself is not against the rules, use your common sense to determine how far you should take it.
  • Essentially, if you wouldn't say it on a talk page, it probably isn't something you should say in chat.
  • Bullying and general misbehavior is strongly advised against and may result in action taken against those found guilty.
  • Making jokes is fine, but use your common sense to decide how much is too much.
  • If you are banned, you may regain the privilege of chat if you demonstrate good conduct.