Nagi no Asu Kara Wiki

Please respect these rules when editing. If you spot a vandalized page, please revert it.

Please read all the rules pages before editing, just reading one doesn't cut it.

General rules[]

  • Respect other editors. Continuous disrespectful behavior may result in a block.
  • Do not vandalize articles. Vandalism will result in an immediate block.
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    • Please don't start any edit wars. If you and another user can't agree on a point, take it into their talk page. If an edit war continues, there's a high chance the page will be protected and one or both of the editors may be reprimanded.
  • Don't edit archives. Archives are histories of old discussions meant to be used as reference. If you want to continue an old discussion, restart it in the normal Talk Page.
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  • The only exceptions are admins who edit user pages to make them follow the rules (i.e, removing offensive content).
  • Please comply with administrator requests for smooth functioning.